Vienna: Let’s meet!

Vienna, here we go! Events, discussions and some culture will be happening from Tuesday 7th of February till Wednesday!
The Civil March For Aleppo will talk with different experts about the situation of Syrian children from various perspectives.
The ultimate goal of the meeting is to think/re-think about the long-term consequences of the war for children and to start planning actions we can take to help alleviate their sorrow now.
– Kids in the face of war in Syria from a social perspective, by Aladin Nakshbandi, Chairman of the Smart Academy
– Kids in the face of war in Syria from a medical and psychological perspective, by Frau Dr. Tamador OMER, psychologist
– Kids in the face of the war in Syria from an educational and medical perspective, by Dr. Rateb Jarach
The different talks & presentations will be followed by time for discussion & question sessions.
Morgaine & Tjorben
WHERE: Afro-Asiatis
WHEN: 7TH Feb, 6 PM – 9:30 PM
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